Abstract submission deadline: Sunday, 22 October 2024
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and considered for oral or poster presentations by the Scientific Committee. Once an abstract is accepted, at least the (oral or poster) presenting author must register for the conference till 31 December 2024.

Online Abstract submission
– Abstracts will only be accepted through online submission.
– Two abstract per person will be allowed for presentation under the registration fees.
– It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the information provided is complete and accurate.
– Once completed and submitted electronically, the same abstract cannot be submitted again.
– After the final submission deadline corrections will not be accepted.
– Submission of an abstract implies your acceptance for it to be published in the official GHI2025 World Congress program booklet.
– Abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and the Scientific Committee will determine whether the abstract will be accepted as an oral or poster presentation. Posters will be displayed on an electronic poster system, and each accepted poster participant will be given up to 10 minutes for a presentation and a Q&A session.

Abstract requirements
Abstracts should meet all of the following specifications in order to be considered for scheduling:

Language – Abstracts must be written in English. The GHI2025 World Congress organizers reserve the right to correct abstracts for obvious spelling or grammatical errors without the authors’ consent.

Title – The abstract should have a brief descriptive title of maximum 20 words. Abbreviations are not allowed in the abstract title.

Abstract text – The abstract text should not exceed 300 words (approx. 2000 characters)
Abstracts about research must include the following:
o Introduction
o Purpose
o Methods
o Results
o Conclusions
Other types of abstracts should be a clear summary of the presentation.

Illustration – One figure/table/photograph may be added to an abstract. If needed submit graphical illustrations in jpg format

References – A maximum of five literature references may be added at the end of the abstract text.

Abstract topic
When asked to select an abstract topic from the pull-down menu, select the abstract topic you believe is matching the content of your abstract best. If none of the pre-specified topics applies to your abstract, while it fits the scope of the GHI2025 World Congress, select ‘Other’. The organizers reserve the right to change abstract topics for the purpose of oral or poster scheduling.
Congress and abstract topics:
1. Innovations in food safety and security
2. Innovations in food safety training and education
3. New technologies for food safety and security
4. Food packaging safety developments, standardization and regulation
5. Nutrition for sustainable and healthy diets
6. Consumers and sensory science
7. Sustainability of food systems
8. Food systems and animals
9. Security of food
10. Future foods
11. Alternative proteins
12. Food laws and regulations
13. Food regulation of future foods
14. Transformation of future food systems and emerging food industries
15. Trends in health and nutrition including gut health
16. Personalised nutrition
17. Antimicrobial resistance
18. Food microbiology
19. Functional foods
20. Food nanotechnology
21. Food wastes, recycling wastes for generating a clean environment

Authors names, institutional affiliations, cities, and countries of all contributing authors and the email of the presenting author should be provided. A maximum of up to 10 authors per abstract is allowed. Authors’ first name and middle name (if any) initials, followed by his or her last name as entered, will appear on the abstract when it will be published. Authors’ names will appear in the order entered by the submitting author. Before submission, the presenting author should make sure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract.
The presenting author (not necessarily the first author) should be clearly identified and email for further communication clearly indicated. All communications regarding an abstract will go to the submitting author, irrespective the designation of the presenting author. Please verify that your email address is correct as it will be used for contacting you after the review process. Only one presenter per abstract is permitted. Presenting author must be a registered participant.

Review and Acceptance
Submitted abstracts will undergo review by the Scientific Committee and will be scheduled for presentation at GHI2025 World Congress program only if accepted by the reviewers. Notification on acceptance/rejection will be sent one month after submission. Last notifications will be sent in November/December 2024
To ensure scheduling of a submitted and accepted abstract in the final GHI2025 programme, the presenting author must be registered as a GHI2025 World Congress delegate by 31 December 2023.
GHI2025 World Congress organisers will not cover costs incurred in submitting an oral presentation or poster, or for travel and
accommodation costs for presenting authors.
Failure to register for GHI2025 World Congress by the set deadline will lead to the withdrawal of your abstract(s).
Withdrawal of abstracts can only be accepted if notified in writing and subsequently confirmed by the GHI2025 World Congress Secretariat.

GHI Congress awards
The scientific committee shall evaluate all oral as well as poster presentations, afterwards, three young scientists and three poster awards will be granted.

In order to publish the outcomes of the GHI2025 World Congress, the organising committee could manage to get approval of two peer reviewed scientific journals of
which the scope fits the topics of this congress. Therefore, the scientific committee will make the selection among all oral and poster presentations and selected authors will be asked by the organising committee to prepare a manuscript within 10 weeks after the congress is ended. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed prior of being published.